BELOW ARE SOME RECENT EXAMPLES (though by no means all of the 3,000+ in our files) showing the diversity of Armorial Bearings Registered with The American College of Heraldry. International heraldic artists who have emblazoned Achievements for the College include (in no particular order) Natalie and Valery Yegorov, Brian Abshier, Sivane Saray, Quentin Peacock, Lee Lumbley, and Dimitri Prica. The emblazonments shown represent the “typical” renderings of Armorial Bearings Registered with our organization and included on our certificates. All images remain the sole property of the individual Armigers.

One of the more common questions about our registrations involves supporters – yes, you will see examples of supporters on this page, but not for individual/personal arms. Supporters would be reserved for educational institutions and incorporated entities.

Likewise, you may see examples of a shield-only emblazonment (again, non-personal) or a shield with torse and crest (most often – but not always – indicative of an ecclesiastical Achievement).

The College commissions an artist solely at its discretion, and is usually based on that artist’s availability at the time of commissioning.

An Armiger who has been Granted Arms by a legitimate heraldic authority may opt to have the same emblazonment included on their Registration certificate from the College. Alternately, if an individual has already assumed Armorial Bearings for some time, and had them emblazoned by a heraldist whose work matches the standards used by the College, they may also opt for said emblazonment to be used on their Registration certificate.

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