WE ARE EXTREMELY INDEBTED to our annual Patrons, whose contributions, over and above their normal membership, allow for the day to day operations of the College, including but not limited to, publication of The Armiger’s News. The annual Patrons Listing is published each year in our Autumn issue, along with their Armorial Bearings.


Brady Brim-DeForest of Balvaird Castle, Baron of Balvaird


(l-r)   Pierre August Rioux, MD, FACH   |   David Robert Wooten, DFACH, FACH


David Sinclair Bouschor, JD


(l-r) MSgt Yan J. Kevin Bolduc, USAF (Ret)   |   COL the Hon William Paret Boswell, FACH   |   Stephen B. Clay   |   LTC Harry Jones, USA (Ret.)   |   COL Roger J. Mills, ILANG (Ret)   |   Mark Damian Yarnevich


(l-r) 1SG Eugene Bauer, USA (Ret)  |  Christopher Alan Chambers, Lord of the Manor of Skighaugh  |  Rev Andrew MacAoidh Jergens  |  Linda June Russell Johnson, FACH  |  Rev James Kubajak  |  CAPT Steven R. Moore, Lord of the Manor of Maidford Halse  |  Jorge Luis Rivera, III  |  Capt Joe Christopher Rudé, III, USAF (Fmr)


Evangelos Kimon Andreou
William Bryk, JD
LT Paul D. Campbell, USN (Ret), FACH
Stephen Friar, DFACH 
CAPT M. Scott Fugate, USN (Ret)
Kerry Wix Gateley, MD, FACH
LCDR Lee Ellis Girer, USN (Ret)
MSgt Keith Morris Hanlon, USAF (Ret)
Edward Eric Hillenbrand
Barry Christopher Howard
Kappa Alpha Order
Rick Lentz
James C. Logan
Thomas Christopher McCloskey
COL Jack Allen Meyer, SCSG (Ret), PhD
Hector Mirable
Miguel Angel Núñez, MD
Professor Patrick M. O’Shea, DMA, FACH
James Michael Pittmon
COL Larry J. Redmon (Ret)
Rev Fr Guy W. Selvester, FACH
Carlos J. Rodriguez-Feo
Clemens J Rossell
The Most Hon Baron Angelo A. Sedacca
Rev Fr Guy W. Selvester, FACH
Craig Ryan Steepy
Rev Charles F. Strebler
Adam John White
COL Joal Emerson Wolf, USAR (Ret)
Kayleigh Marie Wooten, DVM

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