• A strong (but by no means exhaustive) Library of Books on Heraldry (some of which may be found digitized online as shown in below list – we are happy to review additional titles for possible inclusion in this list – just email us) [numerous titles’ pub. date reflect latest reprint]
        • A Canadian Heraldic Primer by Kevin Greaves, 2001
        • A Complete Guide to Heraldry by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 1929 (rev. ed. 1993 edited by John Brooke-Little)
        • A Dictionary Of Heraldry And Related Subjects by A.G. Puttock, 1970
        • A Manual of Ecclesiastical Heraldry: Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian and Orthodox by Michael Francis McCarthy, 2005
        • A New Dictionary of Heraldry by Stephen Friar, 1987
        • An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Heraldry by Julian Franklyn and John Tanner, 1970
        • An Heraldic Alphabet by John Brooke-Little (rev. ed.), 1996
        • An Ordinary of Arms Volume I, 1903. – Sir James Balfour Paul
        • An Ordinary of Arms Volume II, 1977. – Lyon Office
        • An Ordinary of Scottish Arms pre-1672
        • Armorial Families by Arthur C. Fox-Davies, 1929
        • Armorial General – Rietstap
        • Basic Heraldry by Stephen Friar and John Ferguson, 1993
        • Beddoe’s Canadian Heraldry by Alan Beddoe (rev. Strome Galloway), 1981
        • Boutell’s Heraldry by John P. Brooke-Little ed., 1863
        • Burke’s General Armory
        • Burke’s General Armory Two by Cecil R. Humphery-Smith, 1973
        • Clans and Families of Ireland: The Heritage and Heraldry of Irish Clans and Families by John Grenham, 1993
        • Clans and Tartans of Scotland by Robert Bain, 1938
        • Coats of Arms by Andrew Stewart Jamieson, 1998
        • Dictionary of British Arms: Medieval Ordinary (4 Vols)
        • Dictionary of Heraldry by Stephen Friar, 1987
        • Fairbairn’s Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland by James Fairbairn, 1968
        • Grantees of Arms 1687 to 1898 – Harleian Society
        • Grantees of Arms to the end of the 17th Century – Harleian Society
        • Heraldic Alphabet by John P. Brooke-Little, 1985
        • Heraldic Design by Heather Child, 1965
        • Heraldic Designs (The Treasury of Decorative Art) by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 1988
        • Heraldry by Henry Pasten-Bedingfeld and Peter Gwynn-Jones, 1993
        • Heraldry by Julian Franklyn
        • Heraldry by Stephen Friar, 1996
        • Heraldry: Custom, Rules and Styles by Carl-Alexander Von Volborth, 1981
        • Heraldry for Designers and Craftspeople by William Henry St. John Hope, 1999
        • Heraldry in Historic Houses of Great Britain by Thomas Woodcock, 2000
        • Heraldry, Ancestry and Titles: Questions and Answers by Leslie G. Pine, 1965
        • Heraldry: A Pictorial Archive for Artists and Designers (Dover Pictorial Archive) by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 1991
        • Heraldry: an Introduction to a Noble Tradition by Michel Pastoureau, 1997
        • Heraldry: Sources, Symbols, and Meaning by Ottfried Neubecker, 1977
        • Herald’s Visitations – Various Counties – Harleian Society
        • Illustrations to the Armorial General – Rolland & Rolland
        • Lines Of Succession – Heraldry Of The Royal Families Of Europe by Jiří Louda, 1991
        • Living Heraldry by Stephen Slater, 2004
        • Papworth’s Ordinary of British Armorials
        • Royal heraldry: Beasts and Badges of Britain by J.P.Brooke- Little, 1981
        • Scots Heraldry: A Practical Handbook on the Historical Principles and Modern Application of the Art and Science, 2nd Revised & Enlarged Edition by Thomas Innes, 2013
        • Shield And Crest: An Account of the Art and Science of Heraldry by Julian Franklyn, 1967
        • Simple Heraldry (Cheerfully Illustrated), Iain Moncreiffe and Don Pottinger, 1953
        • Symbols of Canada, Dept. of Canadian Heritage, 2002
        • Symbols of Sovereignty by (Sir) Conrad Swan, 1977
        • The Art of Heraldry by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, 1976
        • The Art of Heraldry by Carl-Alexander von Volborth, 1984, 1992
        • The Art of Heraldry: Origins, Symbols, Designs by Peter Gwynn-Jones, 1998
        • The Complete Book of Heraldry by Stephen Slater, 2002
        • The Dictionary of Heraldry: Feudal Coats of Arms and Pedigrees by Joseph W. Foster, 1989
        • The Heraldic Imagination by Rodney Denys, 1975
        • The Illustrated Book of Heraldry by Stephen Slater, 2002
        • The Manual of Heraldry: A Concise Description of the Several Terms Used, and Contaning a Dictionary of Every Designation in the Science by Francis J Grant, 1962
        • The Oxford Guide to Heraldry by Thomas Woodcock, 1988

The American College of Heraldry is not responsible for any information contained on the links presented hereabove, and they are only presented here as a reference for interested researchers. If you would like to suggest additional heraldry-related websites to be listed here, or if you encounter any errors when attempting to contact the above links, please advise (

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