THE COLLEGE IS QUITE FLEXIBLE in its attempt to serve the heraldic needs of the public. One may become a member and also register a coat of arms. Or, one may elect to become a member without registering a coat of arms, or indeed without even having one. Or, one may register a coat of arms without ever becoming a member. While the College’s primary focus is naturally on the heraldry of America, nevertheless, the College’s membership and interests are international in scope and the College continues to welcome the membership of persons residing abroad and to welcome the registration of their arms. The Armiger’s News is a quarterly newsletter published by the college. It is received without cost by the membership and is available by subscription to other individuals, institutions and libraries. Those coats of arms Registered by the College are also published in both its aforementioned journal and in its roll of arms, a publication appearing in book form.

Those Registering arms with the College receive the following services:

  • A handsome Registration of Arms document suitable for display in one’s home or office, containing the details of the Registration, the blazon or technical description of the arms, and a rendering of the coat of arms in full color.
  • A line drawing of the arms suitable for use on armorial stationery and the like.
  • Publication of the arms and biographical information regarding the armiger in The Armiger’s News, the quarterly journal.
  • Publication* of the arms and brief information regarding the armiger and the family in The Heraldic Register of America, a roll of arms of which several volumes have already been published. (*After Volume XVII of the HRA, registration details of Armigers now appear on the main page of the College’s website)
  • The right to request that later descendants be added as inheritors of the arms in the publication formats previously mentioned.
    Deposit of one’s arms and all appropriate forms and papers in the College’s archives.
  • The right to request that the armorial document be executed for replacement should one be defaced or destroyed, or for descendants who years later are recognized in their armorial rights and wish a heraldic document (all these being available at a very modest cost).
  • Those persons Registering arms which have already been granted, matriculated, or otherwise recognized in an official office of arms abroad benefit by the heraldic community in America coming to know of these official arms and of the specifics of their right to bear the arms.
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